Laboratoire IMATH

Institut de Mathématiques de Toulon (EA 2134)


Séminaire de Oleg BESSONOV (Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Moscow)

Séminaire de Modélisation et d’Analyse appliquée
jeudi 20/06/19, 14h30, salle M003

Efficient Parallel Solvers for the FireStar3D Wildfire Numerical Simulation Model

Résumé : This work presents efficient parallel methods for solving ill-conditioned linear systems arising in fluid dynamics problems, e.g. in the FireStar3D wildfire numerical simulation model.

The first method is based on the Modified LU decomposition, applied as a preconditioner to the Conjugate gradient algorithm. Parallelization of this method is based on the use of nested twisted factorization.

Another method is based on a highly parallel Algebraic multigrid algorithm with a new smoother developed for anisotropic grids. Performance comparisons demonstrate superiority of new methods over commonly used variants of the Conjugate gradient method.
Both methods are incorporated into the FireStar3D code as alternatives.

Séminaire de Oleg BESSONOV (Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Moscow)